Ukraine Refugee Musical Support Programme
The First Musical Support Programme
There are young musicians learning around the world and Ukraine will have seen so many of them leave their own country. Children who probably loved learning their musical instrument and practice, now they have no instrument and no teacher and no home. The only other time a conflict produced the same incredible amount of devastation and casualties was in WW2.

My Mission
We sadly do not have the space to invite a family from Ukraine and many people around the world don't either BUT what I can many other Music Teachers can do is offer those refugees the opportunity to continue with their music. It does not matter to where you are or home.It matters if your child can still be educated with out the worry of you needing to pay. We know you will probably wish to go home to Ukraine but until that time comes you have spread around the world in to peoples homes. Some may have pianos and some may not but we have see so much generosity and I hope that even in this people will be able to donate old keyboards.
I'm offering you my time free, to learn and continue learning. I hope others will help and follow.
Ласкаво просимо відвідувача.
Я пропоную можливість для тих українських біженців, які, можливо, практикували піаніно, перебуваючи в Україні.
Світ розуміє, що вам довелося покинути свої будинки і нічого не мати.
Моє бачення і пропозиція полягає в тому, щоб допомогти тим, хто хотів би продовжувати вивчати музичний інструмент, той, який я викладаю, - це фортепіано.
Я можу запропонувати вашій дитині безкоштовні онлайн-уроки, і неважливо, де ви знаходитесь і в якій країні ви знаходитесь.
Залишайтеся сильними і знайте, що ми вас підтримуємо.
Music Teachers
I ask if any music teacher is prepared to help offer this service to please let me know so that we can all create a safety net for the Ukraine families and their children.
If you have the time to teach online this would be very much appreciated.
We know that being able to play any musical instrument can take the stress and worry away even if it's just for a while.
Thanking you for your support.
This programme can be supported by all teachers online to all refugees from Ukraine.
Online teaching of Piano
20-30 and 45 min lessons free
Weekly lessons
Online theory lessons free
online Music support free
Free sheet music
Help with booking exams
The programme will run for refugees that are willing to continue to learn their instrument. The support will end once the parent has re-established themselves with an affordable salary and they can either take a full-time slot or give that slot back to another refugee that was in their own position.( There is no time limit on this).
I would suggest that you as a sponsor approach the family or family speak with you.

How does it work
You will need to ask your sponsor if they can allow you the use of a musical instrument. Even something cheap will keep your child occupied.
Music can serious help many people and off balance. It will allow you or your child to continue doing something they are familiar with in an unfamiliar setting.
My Availability
Mon: 8am-2pm Tuesday 8am-11am, Wed 8am-2pm
Thurs 8am-2pm Friday 8am-2pm