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Resources For Emotional Support

Slough Piano Teacher supports those with mental health issues as well as those requiring a trained professional and or emergency management or services and can provide emotional support with trained practitioners and Doctors.

Hi this is a message from myself John.


Children and adults sometimes feel that requesting support from others can be a sign of weakness but in actual fact it is a sign of wisdom and strength. Knowing that there is an opportunity to be able to ask for help can sometimes make the individual feel that they have not achieved what others may have for themselves.


Never ever feel that there is not an adult or another child who has felt as you may in circumstances like this. Part of being human is our emotions and that is what allows us to understand each other and what our capabilities are as humans.


There are times when we just can't find that emotional support from friends or family for many reasons, of which I can't go into detail here. However, there are many resources available for emotional support if you need to speak with someone.

Mental health is a priority care protocol that every person needs to be aware of and  accept that members of our family can go through times of stress and trouble. They and you will need to know that there is always support available.


I have added below several support numbers for Pupils and Parents and those who may need to call for emotional support or help. Many of those support workers will keep the information you give to them private and confidential. They will NOT disclose information with anyone unless they feel there is an urgency to you or someone that is in danger. They are there to give advice and support only.



Emergency: 999: Police, Ambulance, Fire

Emergency: All EU: 112: Police, Fire Ambulance

Non Emergency: 101: Police

Medical Emergency 24 hrs: 111







Childrens Health 

Slough Child or Adolescent Coundelling

CAMHS - Slough

Young Minds: Children and Young People

Call our Parents Helpline for detailed advice, emotional support and signposting about a child or young person up to the age of 25.

Call us for free on 0808 802 5544 from 9:30am to 4pm, Monday to Friday.

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