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                                      Welcome to 2022

Well, we leave behind 2021 as a year that many of us will not forget. It has been difficult for many of us. I believe we must all feel thankful for what we have and anything that we have managed to achieve, certainly in the last two years.

My family are grateful for the time we have been able to share and tried to make different memories and I hope that all of you will find solace and comfort with friends and family as we head  forward in 2022.

I was considering opening back up in January for face to face lessons, but alas this will certainly not be happening and I feel it might not be the safest for my family or yours to attend lessons. So far I am very pleased to say that I am so very proud of all my pupils that sat their exams this year. The results have been outstanding and especially so as all of your lessons have for the past 2 years online.

Having moved over to Trinity Music Exams it has been very obvious that the students have not only excelled but achieved some wonderful results and gained more exams in a shorter time. Many of you explained you preferred the pieces to learn and 98% of you now prefer to have your lessons online.

You will see the report  that ABRSM published about online teaching and that 90% of music teachers and obviously their pupils now feel this the safest and most convenient way of learning. Well it works.

Scores of 2021 have been outstanding, from Robert undertaking Grades 1-4 and gaining 97/100 one of the highest scores in the country for his Grade 4 and Areeb close behind with 94/100 with his Grade 4 and his Grade 3 all within 6 months. Other outstanding contributions were from Leo with his Grade 7 and now working on his Grade 8. and Mika on his Grade 6.Mika and his brother Qiyan joined as Covid had just started and Qiyan has achieved Grades, 1-3 about to do Grade 4 whilst Mika gained Grades 1-6 awaiting Grade 7 all online. Maria who learned her Grade 6 in 3 months and earned a Merit.Maria is now happy to just work on fun pieces and learn production. Sida, who worked so hard to gain his Grade 8. Nicole managed to push her Grades and is now awaiting to do her Grade 5. Nethaka, overjoyed with his Grade 1 and now awaiting Grade 2, Hugo, outstanding Grade 1 performance now working towards his Grade 2, Aadrika, worked hard for her ABRSM Grade 4 and now to complete her Grade 5 Trinity. Harshini, Delighted at Grade 4 and now working on Trinity Grade 5. Mihiri, worked her way through her Grades and now awaiting Grade 6,Tia and her brother grades 1-4 and gaining good grades to now start Grade 5 Trinity, Hasini, worked through her Grades and is now working on Grade 4 Trinity. Ben, who worked through his Grades and is awaiting to to his Grade 6 Trinity, Nicholas who worked hard for his Grade 1 ABRSM is now going to undertake his Grade 2 Trinity.  Krishan, Vedant and Sayuri will be working towards Grade 1 and 2 Trinity, Amber worked through her Grade 4 Trinity Keyboard and is now working her way through Grades 2-5 Trinity piano exams. Roma achieved her Grade 5 before going to University, Sabby got her Grade 6 and is still working towards her Grade 7 Trinity, Louis who managed to smash through several Grades in eluding Grade 6 is to do his Grade 7 at some stage. Henry managed to attain his piano Grade before he left.Olivia smashed her Grades 5 and 6.Peter worked hard to achieve his Grade 5 ABRSM. Davem achieved his Grade 5 ABRSM.

Jinal, Siddhi ,Aarav and Karthik are working through my programme and will be starting their Grades as soon as we have managed to achieve the results required to undertake examinations.
Some students have no wish to undertake exams at this time and so Milo, Eshal and Naryan are happy to learn for fun going through the same programme as the other did without examinations.

With only a few spaces available for 2022 I hope it will be a great year for all the above students looking to master their musical ability and in performance. I noted a few are now interested in production and composition and this really is the fun aspect of music. Learning to compose your own music is so much fun.

So keep up the good work one and all and we will continue on this much treasured journey that I do hope you will have with you in the years to come. 

If your thinking of having lessons from myself, give me a call or email me and I will get back to you to discuss the new opportunities available for those aged 3 upwards.

Now, time for me to get back to work on my own album that I hope to complete in the summer.

 Anna and Robert x and Lucy (woof)x

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